
Fast, flexible, and
frictionless payroll

The Smart Companies Payroll module offers unprecedented flexibility and efficiency. Pay employees in real time and enjoy headache-free accounting with a first-of-its-kind payroll system.

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Custom Compensation

Add hourly or salaried teammates and configure their cash/equity compensation.

Hire & Fire Teammates

Manage employee lifecycle with a few easy clicks.

Data Alignment

All payroll actions automatically update balance sheets, expenses, spending allocations, and corporate records with perfect accuracy.

Workforce Management

Reflect promotion changes, track payment history, upload agreements, and more.

Relieve Your Tax Headaches

Make Uncle Sam happy with auto updated 1040s, 1099s, and W2s.

Fast and Easy Payments

Authorize hourly compensation, bonuses, and other one-off payments with ease.

Smart Contract Execution

Data communicates across your stack all at once, all the time.

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Save time and

A new way to pay

Pay teammates like never before. Stream money in real time by the second.

Keep it all in sync

No more manual work. Your payroll connects directly to all of your other finances to help make accounting a breeze.

Don't dread tax season

Streamline your tax preparation with payroll that that is connected to the rest of your stack.

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